6 Signs That It's Time to Seek Lawn Care Near Me in the Trenton and Grosse Ile, MI, Areas

6 Signs That It's Time to Seek Lawn Care Near Me in the Trenton and Grosse Ile, MI, Areas

One of the iconic symbols of the American home is the lawn; and since it’s an image so common, anyone can instantly tell when a lawn isn’t healthy. The species of grass most commonly used for lawns often require a high level of ongoing and structured maintenance and care and often, unintended mistakes can leave a lawn struggling for survival. Here are six signs that it’s time to seek lawn care near me in the Trenton and Grosse Ile, MI areas.


Brown Grass

The best visual cue that grass needs help is when it starts to turn tan or brown. This is relatively normal in summer as grass diverts its resources to the roots to conserve energy during summer heat and drought, as opposed to spring’s vigorous growth. Often, extra watering could be the answer to restore the green, but it’s best to check with a lawn care professional to rule out other factors such as mowing too short, disease, depleted soils, or pests. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the grass is dead. Roots are actually highly resilient and can lie dormant for many months, but a brown lawn does need attention.

Too Little Growth

If grass in a certain area of your lawn isn’t growing to the point where it rarely needs mowing, it’s a clear sign that the grass isn’t getting enough nutrients. This might be a result of depleted soil, but only soil testing will ensure that any soil amendments you choose will restore the right balance of nutrients for optimal growth. Lawn care professionals will apply a specific fertilizer in the area that will deliver nutrients to the roots and restore normal growth. The key is using the right kind of nutrients as well as correct application of fertilizer that won’t result in burns or nutrient imbalances.

A Soggy or Dehydrated Lawn

There’s more to watering than just applying water: your lawn needs to be carefully mowed to the correct height so that the soil doesn’t get too water-logged and to avoid rapid soil dehydration. Lawn care professionals keep a tight mowing schedule throughout the growing season to ensure mowing to the right length.

Dried Undergrowth and Clippings

Over time, grass can develop “thatch” or a thick layer of decomposing grass still attached to the living plant. This layer collects moisture and prevents normal soil respiration and must be removed annually.

If the lawn was mowed and grass clippings were not composted (chopped into small pieces that will naturally filter toward the soil) or removed, clumps of clippings can act just like thatch and prevent moisture from reaching the roots, and the soil from receiving normal air flow.

Brown Tips

The presence of brown tips on the blades of grass in your lawn often indicates dull mower blades which will rip and tear at the blades of grass, producing a jagged surface and more importantly, damaging the plants. Sharp blades make a clean slice across the top that allows the grass to quickly heal and resume growth within a day or two. The trauma received by a dull-bladed mow will invite pests and disease to enter the grass. Lawn care professionals always keep their mower blades in tip top shape.

Bare Patches

Bare patches could signal any number of challenges: depleted soil, disease, pests, or even pet urine. Your lawn care professional can identify the cause, and either amend the soil, apply the right treatment, or overseed the area to restore normal lush grass.


About the Author

GLC Lawn, Landscaping & Snow Removal LLC is a full-service landscaping company that over-delivers. They believe that a beautiful landscape can transform residential and commercial properties, but most home and business owners don’t have the time to design, build, and maintain an outdoor space. With a goal to elevate your property to its fullest potential, GLC can help you spend more quality time outside.